Ready, Set.... GO GREEN!!!

Ready, Set.... GO GREEN!!!

Hello again my lovely people! How ya keeping?

Our planet needs us now more than ever, and at Langton Greenhouse and Garden Centre we remain committed to the worldwide mission of keeping it healthy.

We are proud to say that we have found even more ways to go green at our establishment- and we're eager to share them with you! Curious to know more? Have a read of our blog below and see how you can continue to greenify your life today in simple yet effective ways.

Happy reading!


A No Peat Party

Now, yes, we should always be inclusive of everybody, but when it comes to peat compost... sorry we're not interested in what you have to say!

What is peat exactly? Glad you asked. Peat is a type of soil consisting of decaying plant matter, formed in peatlands. Now, peatlands are actually very beneficial to different ecosystem services; they decrease flood risk and supply water, as well as support rare wildlife.

Unfortunately, extracting peat for horticultural purposes is extremely hazardous to the environment; The Wildlife Trust estimates that, since 1990, as much as 31 million tonnes of CO2 could have been released into the atmosphere, thanks to peat being used in gardening, as well as by professional growers of plants, fruits and vegetables.

So whilst peat bogs are a hugely important natural resource, supporting a great array of wildlife and storing large amounts of carbon, it's important that peat stays in the ground, and not in the bags of compost. If peat is disturbed for extraction, stored carbon then becomes carbon dioxide which is lost to the air, and, thus, increases climate change.

At Langton Greenhouse and Garden Centre we only sell compost which is 100% peat free, sourced from suppliers in the UK and Ireland, enabling us to attain a much lower carbon footprint.


A-well, a bird, bird, b-bird is the word

Looking after wildlife is always hugely important when considering how to protect the planet. Interestingly, according to RSPB, around 30 species of birds are regular garden visitors. But such a number can only remain that way as long as we regularly attend to their needs.

Our garden centre team has worked hard to source out everything you need, from feeders to nest boxes, to keep the birds healthy and happy. Just a few things to bear in mind when selecting and filling your feeders:

  • If you're looking to attract ground-feeding birds like dunnocks and robins, opt for food placed on wire mesh held just off the ground.
  • Should you choose to fill your feeder with small niger seed, you'll need specifically designed feeders for that.
  • Fat blocks must be put in wire cages, and plastic nets around fat balls must be removed, so birds don't get trapped in the mesh.
  • Clean and refill your feeders regularly to avoid the spread of diseases. Also, if you can, change their position in the garden so you can stop fouling in the ground underneath.

Given the various species of birds out there- as well as the fact that whilst fat is important in a bird's diet, you should look to include a grain mix or nuts, we have looked to provide a myriad of foods and snacks, perfect for balancing many different birds' diets out. Our selection is UK-based, which means there's less transportation involved when delivering the products, and, therefore, a lower carbon footprint.

Now, we're not sure if you've heard, but we've recently had some very cute little guests stay with us over at Langton Greenhouse and Garden Centre. That's right, a pied wagtail and her four little chicks* have made a nest among the stones at the front of our establishment- a fun little surprise for one of our Sunday staff members who went to collect some stone for a customer last week! Of course, they've received many oos and aws from both staff and customers, but it only makes sense... they're pretty darn cute. Check out our video up above to get a little sneak peek!

*Should you visit our establishment, please avoid touching or disturbing the birds while they are nesting.


Locally Sourced Plants

Our strong relationships with our suppliers and growers has enabled us to locate the best that the planting world has to offer... including plants found close by! Our bedding plant selection, for example, is sourced just up the road in Northampton.

So just like with our bird food, we can support local suppliers and continue to keep our carbon footprint down, as there is less trucking, travel and shipping involved.With less distance to travel, these plants also remain in better condition when they arrive on site, as they do not have to endure a scorching hot or freezing cold truck for a long period of time.... going from one extreme temperature to another is a big no no for plants.

Working with local growers also means your plants are receiving the best care they can so they keep thriving. Local growers have significant expertises in plant care and are thoroughly dedicated to their businesses.

And just to add a brucey bonus... our garden centre team collects rain water to use for watering these beautiful plants, amongst others, at our establishment. I'd definitely call that another hashtag WIN for the planet, wouldn't you?


A Safe Haven For Bees

A nectar pun would bee unbeelivable here, right?

Let's not beat around the bush here... bees are awesome, and are essential to our food systems. Unfortunately, different bee species are heading in the direction of endangerment, therefore, it is vital we do our part to protect them in any way we can. At Langton Greenhouse and Garden Centre, we have sought to do so through seeking out local honey businesses which look to provide sustainable and local honey to customers; these local honey businesses include Leicestershire Honey and Harborough Honey.*

Supporting local beekeepers and food movements is important not only because it keeps local beekeepers in business, but also helps sustain the farms that rely on them to produce food, not to mention reduces carbon emissions as you're not purchasing honey shipped from many miles away.

Such support is also beneficial because local honey, in general, is guaranteed to be tastier, unprocessed and pure, unlike many supermarket brands. It is also healthier for you, helping you to better your immune system, and providing you with many stronger medicinal benefits like anti-inflammatory properties.

Our garden centre is also a prime spot for local bees to crack on with pollinating. Our eclectic range of plants leaves local bees spoilt for choice; this means they can collect plenty of local pollen from different plants and take it back to hives, ready to make honey.

But it's not just bees we need to give our love to; other creepy crawlies deserve a little something also. After all, many of our outdoor friends, not just bees, have lost parts of their natural habitats due to our dependence on building infrastructure. This is why we also stock hedgehog homes, beehives, butterfly houses, bug hotels, and more so that wildlife can be provided shelter and have a better chance of survival... I guess you could say other bugs can now live IT UP AT THE HOTEL BUGAFORNIA... WHAT A NICE SURPRISE (WHAT A NICE SURPRISE)... bad joke? I may agree with you there.

*When made available.

And that's all for now folks! It's been a pleasure having you as always. We hope this has helped you gather inspiration on more ways to go green this year.

Should you need any further advice on how to implement a little more green energy into your day, then please do not hesitate to drop by and speak to a member of staff, or alternatively, ring us on 01858 545819.

Until next time!

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